In the Preamble to its Constitution, which came into force
in 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of
diseases or illnesses."
This state and the absence of disease have a direct impact
on our quality of life and the years we enjoy it. In fact, medical advances and
increased economic development have allowed Americans to live longer. Thus, in
recent decades, life expectancy has improved greatly throughout the world including
the United States.
ParCare Community Health Network is a Brooklyn multi-specialty health center
providing such services as primary care, internal medicine, dermatology,
physical therapy, and pediatrics; helping patients to maintain optimal health
and prevent potential diseases. ParCare is a culturally sensitive center that
provides the community with the most affordable and accessible health care
What Diseases Affect us the Most?
According to data published by the National Institute of
Statistics (INE), diseases of the circulatory system were the leading cause of
death, followed by tumors and diseases of the respiratory system. Nervous
system pathologies, including Alzheimer's, were the fourth leading cause of
In addition, there are plenty of health problems and
diseases that are just as serious as they are common. Among them are the following:
Cardiovascular diseases: These are pathologies that can
affect the heart (heart attack, angina pectoris and heart failure) and other
organs, such as the brain (hemorrhage or cerebral infarction) or the kidney
(renal failure). Its appearance is determined by risk factors such as
hypercholesterolemia (too high blood cholesterol levels) and hypertension (too
high blood pressure).
Diabetes: This is a chronic condition that occurs when the
body loses its ability to produce enough insulin or to use it effectively,
causing too much sugar in your blood (hyperglycemia). Over time, this glucose
ends up damaging the tissues, deterioration that in the long term causes
alterations, dysfunctions and insufficiencies in organs such as the eyes,
kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels.
Overweight and obesity: obesity in our country has increased
from 7.4% to 17.0% in the last twenty-five years. Furthermore, 37% of Americans
adults are overweight and three out of ten children and adolescents are
overweight or obese. Both are risk factors for hypercholesteremia,
hypertension, and diabetes.
Chronic respiratory diseases (CKD): The WHO includes in this
category asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), respiratory
allergies, occupational lung diseases and pulmonary hypertension, among others.
Stress: Although there are no epidemiological data, one in
three patients who visit ParCare Community Health Network, a NYC-based healthcare provider, has symptoms derived from stress. According to the American
Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress, negative, intense stress that
persists for a long period of time increases the probability of developing
anxiety problems, chronic fatigue, exhaustion and other problems of health such
as infectious processes or psychophysiological disorders.
At ParCare Community Health Network, we strive to provide high quality patient care, we view each patient holistically and truly care
about the overall patient experience. We embrace a value driven approach to
health care that is high-quality, comprehensive, and supported with best in
class technology and people. Our philosophy is that partnering with patients
and their families requires a thorough understanding and respect of each
patient’s unique needs, culture, values and treatment preferences.
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